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Drum – Wall /BLOOM

Whether its your personal space,your work table or your drawing room you always want to make it special and truly yours. Add a touch of drama on your walls with these unique shapes and handcrafted forms.

Rs. 1,950.00
Trapezium – Wall/FOLIAGE

Whether its your personal space,your work table or your drawing room you always want to make it special and truly yours. Add a touch of drama on your walls with these unique shapes and handcrafted forms.

Rs. 2,000.00

Whether its your personal space,your work table or your drawing room you always want to make it special and truly yours. Bring in Lord Ganesha in handcrafted style in your Pooja room or your foyer space.

Rs. 1,500.00

Whether its your personal space,your work table or your drawing room you always want to make it special and truly yours. Add a touch of drama on your walls with these unique shapes and handcrafted forms.

Rs. 1,500.00
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